Whitepaper EN
[ Скачать с сервера (580.3 Kb) ]12.02.2021, 03:48

SAT is the main chain project developed by SmartX’s community-centred team. It is a
decentralized, minable BlockDAG project with a “transaction-based DAG” structure that can
achieve limitless performance expansion, which is essentially equivalent to a traditional
blockchain system that can achieve limitless horizontal expansion.
SmartX’s platform will allow blockchain technology to be seamlessly adopted in use
cases such as private communication, in-game payment as well as in products for example,
coupons and points given by shops and merchants. It links service providers and users
around the world and uses social entertainment as a gateway to building a trustworthy and
secure social entertainment ecosystem.
SmartX will be an integrated and multi-functional platform for cashflow, dataflow as
well as “value-flow”. In SmartX’s trust-based structure, intrinsic values of individuals and
entities will be delivered through the network to form an ecosystem where both tangible
and intangible values can be properly recognized. Such an ecosystem will greatly improve
the efficiency of society as a whole.

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